Have you ever watched a movie and just resonated with the character so much that it suddenly becomes your favorite movie? That happened to me last night. Now I'm not one to watch movies often and when I do they're most likely old or indie movies, but this movie, The Spectacular Now, all 93 minutes of it just sat with me. I kept thinking, oh my gosh, Aimee Finicky is me, we are so close to being the same person. I've never felt that way about a character before, never met one so much like myself (or what I think I'm like) that I could honestly say I knew what was going through her mind. It's scary, for me, to think that there are people out there just like me; awkward, patient, naïve, and so trusting that it's almost our downfall. It's scary and comforting to know that people have to make the same decisions I do but on the same hand I wish that on nobody. Nobody should be so afraid to do anything (including kiss that guy you think could be wrong for you but could also be so right) that it limits your life to a predictable pattern. Patterns are for those who've already experienced life and as a 17 year old, I have not. After watching this movie I've got a different outlook on life and I want to try and live in the now because tomorrow is another now and so is the next day.

Have you ever watched a movie and had thoughts like these? Do share!
* The Spectacular Now is rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. *
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