Friday, April 10, 2015

It looks...different around here!

Hey y'all! I have been struggling with Jessica's Wonderland, not only it's look but also its name. To me, with that name, I felt very restricted. I felt on some ways that it forced me too have a certain theme-that I was limited to only the fluffy things in life. But after Liz from Delightful Tacky talked about her re-branding I knew that it was a good choice to still do a re-design but to keep my name. I like that Jessica's Wonderland is light and fluffy and even though I sometimes feel a little restricted. I know that I don't always have to post happy go lucky posts. This is my internet home, if I want to talk about the horrors of being a teenager I can, but after some deep rethinking and stepping away from the blog for awhile (due to the weather and the blogging burn out) I feel that Jessica's Wonderland is here to stay.

Now onto the fun things! 

I last changed my blog layout in February of 2014, about a year ago. At the time I was looking for blog templates that featured gold because I love how gold looks in a blog design but after I found my previous one I fell in love and for over a year-I loved it. It felt right but when I took my unannounced blogging break up this year I kept getting discouraged looking at the layout. It wasn't me any longer. It didn't fit.
I started looking again after that, for a long while I couldn't find anything I loved until I stumbled onto Brand Me Beautiful and their templates. I loved the selection of gold filled themes and I knew that I would use one for the re-design I had in mind. It took three week before I decided to buy the Editorial theme and a few days later it went up and I finished the rest of my re-design. I am incredibly happy with how my little corner of the web looks now and I hope you like it too!

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Blogger template designed By The Sunday Studio.