Monday, October 26, 2015

My Top Five Favorite Youtubers

There's two things that suck up all my free time, Twitter/Instagram stalking and getting sucked into the never ending vortex that is YouTube! I mainly watch beauty videos but once in awhile I like to watch comedic videos. So just in case you're like me and spend too much of your not-so-free time on YouTube I rounded up five of my favorite youtubers.

1. iiSuperWomanii (subscribe)- Lily is one of my all time favorite people ever...not that I know her personally... Lily shares rants, she's the queen of "types of people" videos and just some of the funniest relatable videos on the web!

Must watch videos:
1. Types of Crushes
2. 5 Reasons Your Phone Sucks
3. Annoying People on Facebook

2. Lisa Eldridge (subscribe)- GAH! Be still my beating heart. Lisa was on of the first people I ever subscribed to and since then I keep turning back to her. She's a makeup artist and currently works at LancĂ´me but her tips and tricks (like pinpoint concealing!) can be used during your everyday life!

Must watch videos:
1. Marilyn Monore Iconic Makeup
2. Grown Up Girly
3. Naturally Flawless Skin - The Eldridge Technique

3. KathleenLights (subscribe)- This is my only American vlogger that I watch regularly (There's a few Canadian vloggers in my subscription box but mainly I vere towards Bristish vloggers). Kathleen is funny, gives great reviews and is honest about the price of things.

Must watch videos:
1. Disappointing Products 2015
2. September Favorites
3. How I Whitened My Teeth & KEEP THEM WHITE

4. HelloOctoberxo (subscribe)- I almost put Suzie (HelloOctoberxo) and Alix (ICovetThee) together because when I think of one the other pops into my head! Suzie's videos are so light and airy, she's easy to watch because she doesn't spew too much info at once and her dog, Nala, is adorable!! I really love her tutorials!!

Must watch videos:
1. Autumnal Rose Gold/Vampy Makeup Tutorial
2. Bold Summer to Autumn Makeup
3. GET READY WITH ME: Sunday Morning

5. ICovettThee (subscribe)- I'm sure if you've watched any of Suzies videos you've probably seen Alix. Alix's videos are very similar to Suzie's in the way that they're light and airy but she doesn't keep on one topic too long! I just love her videos!
Must watch videos:
1. Everyday Drugstore Makeup Routine
2. Makeup Haul and First Impressions
3. September Favorites

Who do you watch on Youtube? Do you watch any of the ones I mentioned? Tell me below!

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