Thursday, July 4, 2013

Four Cities Tour In Souvenirs (and such) Part I

Guess who's home?!? I'm so excited. Last night I slept in my own bed for the first time in 9 days. Crazy, huh? I know that some of you are probably dying to know what I did on the Four Cities Tour so I thought I'd show it to you in souvenirs (and such) since I bought (and acquired) a ton of stuff.
 Souvenirs (and Such): Wicked Ticket, Wicked Playbook, Elphaba's Hat Keychain From Wicked and Liberty Bell Shot Glass (gift). 
I got the least amount of stuff in Philadelphia and Gettysburg. The two towns are incredibly historic and while I drank all that in I didn't grab a lot of souvenirs from them. In Philadelphia we saw Wicked (on opening night!!!) and it was the highlight of the stay! It's such a beautifully put together musical and everyone loved it. We all loved it so much that we kept doing Elphaba's "toss, toss" for the rest of the trip.  I personally loved it so much I've started talking my parents into seeing it when it comes to Buffalo in January!!!!
Happy Fourth of July to all my fellow Americans! Stay tuned for Philadelphia in Ipod photos tomorrow. 
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1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. And I really want to see wicked.

    Heidi’s Wanderings


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