Happy Wednesday & 12/12/12! I thought that this outfit would be a cute little follow up of sort to yesterday’s how to wear white in winter post. That silly rule, in my eyes, is only for people over 50. (My mom is now included in that little group. Yesterday was her 50th birthday!!!) I’ve gotten used to getting looks from those people whenever I break one of their “set in stone” rules but sometimes I think that this one in particular irks them a bit too much.
[I'm Wearing: Top and Jeans: Kohl's, Tank Top: Aero (old), Shoes: Gift, Gold Necklace: Charlotte Russe, Elephant Necklace: Gift from my dad]
I saw this shirt a Kohl’s by accident, it was behind three other tops and smushed between something very ugly. I surprised I even noticed it at all. I really love everything there is about this top. The peplum is adorable and if you haven’t noticed by now, I’m a sucker for lace. The only complaint I have about this top is that if I place my hands where it cinches, I brings the whole top up. It can be easily fixed but it’s still quite annoying.

It’s only two weeks till Christmas and exactly one week until the Christmas show I’m doing (with dance) for children in Buffalo. I think I’m more excited for this performance than I usually am for our annual recital. For our annual recital I’m almost always so nervous but for this performance I’m OK. I think it has to do with who our audience is, children. They’re usually too engrossed in the “cool” stuff we’re doing to notice if we’re on the right foot, did the right turn or step ball changed the correct way. But that’s OK; I don’t dance to be judge. First and foremost I dance to please myself then I dance to entertain others but rarely for the sake of judgment.
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