Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

Easter is just like every other holiday in my family. We hop in the car make the familiar trip across the Canadian border and into my grandparents tiny little town. They live in the Crystal Beach, Ontario. Crystal Beach was the home of Crystal Beach Park from 1888 up until 1989 when the park closed. The town isn't as busy or as populated as it used to be in it's heyday but the sights are still beautiful.
My favorite thing about the holidays has got to be family time. My whole family works crazy schedules so it's a rarity that we're all off on the same day. But when holidays roll around we're all at my grandmothers house ready to eat the yummy food she's made us. Kidding, the food is just one of the many perks. (A very good perk!) But honestly, it's so great to see everybody in the family, because we have the border between us and crazy schedules that get in the way. We all are grateful for every second we have with each other! 
[My cousin, Kristy and I]
[Cat, my brothers girlfriend and I.]
It took us three tries, in the rain to get that hugging picture. We kept bumping heads!
I'm on spring break this week and I have a semi-interesting schedule ahead of me. Some of it I'm excited for, other parts I'm dreading (hello, two hour solo-sesh...) but it'll all be great in the end I just know it. 
Pictures taken by both Cat and Kristy, thanks girls! 
I'm Wearing: 
Top: Vintage Via Yesterday's Sweetheart
Jeans: Levi's Via JcPenney
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: Don't Remeber [Similar]
Kristy's Wearing:
Green Blazer: Winners


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