It's Jess!
I'm a huge fan of Zooey Deschanel. If you've seen
this fashion inspiration post then you already know that. But in case you haven't seen that post I'll gladly tell you why I love Zooey. She's spunky, she's got this personality that automatically makes you love her. She's so not afraid of being who she really is, "I'm just being myself. There is not an ounce of me that believes any of that crap that they say. We can't be feminine and be feminists and be successful? I want to be a fucking feminist and wear a fucking Peter Pan collar. So fucking what?" I think I love that the most about her. She's in the public eye and is bound to get critisim but she doesn't let it get to her. She continues life without batting an eyelash, I love it. She's also got an incredible fashion sense, the women knows what looks good on her and rocks it.

Zooey's incredible fashion sense is what led me to today's outfit and hair. While I was watching New Girl I fell in love with Zooey's outfit in the specific episode I was watching.It's not hard to do. Trust me, I speak from experience.But I forgot about it for awhile and then just happened to remember it yesterday. So when I went to my closet last night and saw this dress that I bought last June hanging there I knew what I was going to be wearing. It has a darling peter pan collar and the prettiest color combination ever. My hair is inspired by
this picture, I love the volume that it has and I love that my hair totally cooperated today so I was able to achieve this look. It's so fun and voluminous, I'm obsessed with it.

Today winter-like weather crept it's way back in. I really just wish it was spring now. I can't wait until next Wednesday, it'll be officially spring then and hopefully the weather will start agreeing with that statement. I need spring weather. I can't dress for winter anymore, I just can't do it!! Anybody else feeling this way?
I'm Wearing:
Belt: Stiches
Shoes: Pink & Pepper
New Girl Theme Song